Continuing our "What If" series with another look at the NHL Playoff logos. Many fans have voiced their displeasure with the league replacing the Stanley Cup logos on the rink with virtual advertisements. It is clear that those new advertisements are not going anywhere (except when they literally move around the screen because they have yet to be perfected). But what if the league could have those ads, but the ice still got a little Stanley Cup flair?
Our thought is simple: Place 4 Stanley Cup Playoffs/Final logos on the ice, just beyond the blue lines, but in-line with the neutral zone ads? We also realigned the logos on the left half of the rink to make them look better.

While we are at it, here is one for our French speaking friends.

What do you think of this concept? Would this bring back some celebration to the rink for the playoffs? Let us know in the comments below!
Out of all the teams who won make it to the finals, why ottawa?